страшно - это когда удаляешь номер из телефонной книги, не потому что поссорился с человеком, а потому что его больше нет в живых.
Категория: Грустные статусы  Гость

аватар отсутствует
Nuuxaz пишет: | 05.06.2017 | 07:05
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Some of this research has also found its way into undergraduate and graduate curricula, being deployed as world history courses or as courses that focus on various imperialisms.
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The first buildings of what became the present campus were built in 1922.
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For in aid of that latter motion, defendant asked the judge to take judicial notice of five previous copyright infringement actions, including the one just mentioned above, brought by the plaintiff in the same court against other persons, in which plaintiff had advanced some legal arguments like those he advances here, and in which he had been defeated.
Although specific terms are employed herein, they are used in a generic and descriptive sense only and not for purposes of limitation.
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